Danube ports and navigation play a crucial role in inland transport and trade networks, and the Danube Ports Days 2023 provided the perfect opportunity to present the SYNERGETICS Innovation Action to Danube stakeholders, including high-level representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission, international river commissions, port authorities and shipping companies. The two-day event was a joint effort of Pro Danube, SYNERGETICS and the EU-funded projects Green Inland Ports and MultiRELOAD. It was supported by the Danube Port Networks.

The second day of the venue focused on the SYNERGETICS innovation action. The project’s ambitions and current status were presented by its coordinator, DST. The potential of hydrogen and methanol as marine fuels as well as the electrification of ships by means of swappable battery containers were presented by the participating project partners Argo-Anleg GmbH, ScandiNAOS AB and Zero Emission Services. The particular challenges in the introduction of alternative fuels for Danube navigation were emphasized in the presentation of the Kanzlei Anzböck. The success of the session and the high interest of the stakeholders was confirmed by the numerous questions and the lively dialogue that took place during the panel discussion. Presentations of the event can be found here.